Monday, January 14, 2008

Adsense as Header

Here’s another way that you can really increase CTR.
I like this because it will be the first they see. This type of
strategy don’t really camouflages Adsense with your website them,
but they work.

To make this work, I would recommend using the Leader
board ad format. And then also make your website to have the
same width as the Adsense. As for color, you can use any color that
you think is suitable. You may want to use your content to decide on
the color that you want to use.

The rest of the website may need to use that same color theme.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Adsense Tip: Wide Skyscraper as Sidebar

It’s normal to have a sidebar on a website and people expected
it. This is something that we can use. I use this strategy on my low
traffic content sites. If you really get targeted traffic to that, you may
even beat your high traffic website which has 10 times more traffic.
This is true because I get very high CTR with this strategy –
sometimes even 20 to 30 percent.

The first part of this strategy is to have a one color top bar. I
make a bar to fill in some navigation links. And the background color,
I use brown. Then you can put your Adsense using the wide
skyscraper format on the right side. This wide sky scrapper needs to
have the same border color as the header bar.

You may start to ask – why the wide skyscraper? Well, I’ve tried
and the wide skyscraper is the only that draws enough attention for
people to click on it.

You can also put in some kind of small box that also looks like
Adsense on top of the Adsense skyscraper. You can put a search box
in there, or maybe some info on latest articles or something like that.
That will fool the eyes even more. Once they see your normal box
and registers that this format of box is your own, they will also tend
to see the rest of the boxes that looks the same way as your own.
And remember, your box must have the same width as the wide
skyscraper – 160 pixels.

The code to this is very simple. You can just use a table for this.
I use a table that has two columns. Of course on the first row, I
merge the cells together to make the top bar. You may want to put
in some cellpadding values to it so that content to stick to the edge
of that cell.

As for your additional boxes, which are optional, you may need to
use some CSS to make the thin line borders. Using CSS will give you
a cleaner code.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Adsense Tip: Using Ad Links as the Menu

This is a simple strategy. I use it to make my website a lot more
like Adsense rather than the other way around. You must know by
now that Adsense offers not only those little boxes with text ads in
them, but they also have these little-little words. These are Ad
Links. When people click on them, Google will show a few ads from
Adword. This is a two-step process. You may think that this may
reduce your earning – my experiment proved otherwise.
Many times, my Ad Links, done the right way, is more profitable
than the normal ad boxes. How do I do it? Just look at the example

What I do is make my menu to use the exact same font size
and type that Adsense are using for their Ad Links. And then, I blend
my menu to the Adsense. One look, people will see my menus and
not some ads by Adsense.

I only use Ad Links with 4 keywords in them. Ad Links with
four keywords uses bigger font size and looks a lot more like a menu.
Ad Links with 5 keywords are just too small to be menu. Then I use
the Arial at 9pt font size for my original menu. Menu categories have
to be in bold. And make the border color blend to the background of
your website.


Monday, January 7, 2008

If your Adsense is performing poorly, here are THREE tips

1. Decrease the number of Adsense blocks that you are displaying on a page.

I don't know how others have experienced this, but my
income seemed to be less if I had more than one block of Adsense
ads displayed at once – and your CTR is definitely less if you have
more than one ad impression at a time.

My suggestion would be to have one Adsense block in your content,
and an Adlinks block somewhere at the top of your page. Adlinks is
great because if someone clicks on a link in it, they are taken to a
page with many more choices on it, which increases your chances of
them clicking through.

2. Change your link colour to blue.

While I cannot disclose my CTR I can tell you that this one little change
more than doubled my CTR. I know that there are others out there who
advocate that your link colour should be the same as the other links on your
site, but try it out for yourself for a day or two. I think you will be highly

3. Set the URL colour to the same colour as the ad's text.
This makes the URL ''melt" in and makes the link colour stand out more,
definitely making it more "clickable". The above three changes definitely
resulted in doubling my own Adsense income. Experiment with it and see
how it works for you.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

What do I see as the NEXT big trend in AdSense moneymaking? (Read this if you are trying to boost your site traffic)

I've learned that your Adsense income can be boosted through RSS
traffic. It's starting to become the next big online trend.
RSS is the new way to increase your website traffic.

Check out some related links:

Google Opens Up Beta of AdSense for Feeds
Link to article

Evolution of Google AdSense
Link to article

Google AdSense for Feeds
Link to article

The more people are learning about it, the more they are starting to
use it. Sites that have it get traffic from people that sign up for news
and information that they're interested in. They either download a
RSS Reader, which is a simple software that allows you to read RSS
feeds, or they read it directly from their browsers.

This traffic is much better than the regular surfer, because they are
better customers, due to the fact that it's specific content they are
looking for.

Not only can you get dynamic content and specific traffic from better
buyers, but it also improves search engine listing.
This is a new technology that is catching on very fast.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

If you'd have to build a Web Site from scratch to generate Adsense Income on Autopilot, how would you do it in 30 days or less?

1 – Find a niche.

What is an Internet niche?
An internet niche is simply a keyphrase that you type in the search
engine boxes. The results that they give are all the webpages which
have that keyphrase and belong to that Internet niche. The more that
keyphrase is used in a webpage, the more it will be relevant to the
search and higher it will rank in its positioning in the results given by
the search engines.

2 - Domain Name

Find a good domain dame, in accordance with the niche where you
want to work. A domain name which is suitable to the subject matter
treated as META KEYWORDS, which contributes to place the results
among the first hits in the search engines.

3 – Use a good hosting service.

This is a very important point. If there is no hosting, there is no
site…. Free hosting services, as such, do not provide the certainty
that they will always be up and online, which can result in the loss of
time and money.
This is why I recommend the use of paid hosting services. There are
excellent and feasible hosting service providers out there.

4 – Link exchange

It is always a good idea to exchange links with other sites which may
be more popular and have a higher page rank. This will help the
search engines find and index your Web site more quickly.

5 - Forums

Publicizing the site in discussion forums related to the chosen niche,
which will quickly bring about targeted and related traffic.

6 - Top Paying Keywords

Building the site in combination with the contents of the most paying
keywords will ensure a greater participation in Google’s AdSense program.

Very important: SPAM is USELESS.

By using this formula, you will be receiving income from AdSense in
less than 30 days.


Top 25 High Paying Keywords

This list was created by the High Paying Keywords Report, brought to you by

Hope this list is helpful for those who are looking for a niche to work with. =]

EDIT: Scroll all the way down to get the list. For some reason, Blogger can't handle a little table code so I apologize.

#KeywordsAvg BidClicks-Per-Day
1bulk email marketing$9.906.3
2web design and hosting$9.8713.5
3dating direct$9.863.3
4qwest dsl$9.823.3
5insurance company$9.4766.7
6trade stock$9.3327.5
7life experience degree$9.3218.6
8dedicated server$9.24226.8
9credit rating$9.1870.1
10shopping cart$9.1474.2
11printer repair$9.092
12internet mortgage lead$8.962
13luxor hotel las vegas$8.9611.3
14tape data recovery$8.951.9
15myrtle beach real estate$8.9331.7
16exchange server$8.825.8
17home mortgage interest rate$8.811.5
18no credit check loan$8.7030.5
19buy time share$8.681.5
20web advertising$8.6131.3
21dish network$8.58272
22bad credit personal loan$8.5537
23sony laptop$8.5366.3
24foreign currency exchange rate$8.506.8
25screen printing$8.49161.7

Friday, January 4, 2008

Big mistakes that I see others make with Adsense and how they can be avoided

#1 - Not using Channels
I didn´t make this Adsense error but if you aren't using Adsense
Channels you are losing money and don´t have a way of tracking
your development. If you don't believe me, set up at least URL
channels for your pages and you'll see in real time what works and
what does not.

#2 - Using the horizontal format
So far, the results are much better when people use the vertical

#3 - Placing Adsense Ad Units on the top, bottom, right and
left of content
The Adsense publisher community may not totally agree, but don't
hide your ads by neatly stuffing them on the borders of your site.
Put your Adsense Ad Unit in the middle where your visitor will be
forced to see them. It's not that your visitor doesn't want to see the
ads it's that over the years of web surfing we've become blind to
traditional banner locations.

#4 - Adding your sites to the filter out list
One Webmaster thought that the way to let Google know that you
wanted to add additional sites to your AdSense account was to list
the URLs under the Advanced options tab. In reality, this tab is used
to list the sites you want to filter out (i.e., not display AdWords) on
your site. Google automatically knows what pages you want to
include under your AdSense account when you add the code to the
So, you can add any site you own without additional paperwork.

#5 - Not testing.
Because of the limited information Google currently supplies, this can
be difficult. Nonetheless, you want to see what works and what
doesn’t on your site. Experiment.

#6 - Applying too early.
If you don’t have at least 20 good content pages and some traffic,
you’ll most likely be rejected.
Not applying because you believe 'this isn’t for me'.
Sure, there are situations where using AdSense doesn’t make sense.
However, we believe that AdSense will benefit many people who
currently have decided the program isn’t for them.
For example, we’ve heard from a number of professionals who feel
that having AdWords on their sites will ‘taint their image.’ That’s
possible, we suppose. However, we believe that for most
professionals, the added credibility gained by having ‘Ads by Google’
on your site (and the correct assumption by visitors that Google has
therefore checked you out at least a little), more than compensates
for this potential downside.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Adsense: Factors that affect how much money you will get from Google

Not too long ago, we looked at AdWords and learnt how AdSense is
Google's AdWords syndication program that posts AdWords ads
on context-targeted websites:

Ads about binoculars appear on web pages with information
about binoculars on them.

It makes sense, doesn't it?

Today we are going to look at the factors that affect how much
money you will get from Google if you sign up (and are accepted
for) the AdSense program, paying detailed attention to those
areas that are controllable - because many aren't.
The AdSense revenue equation

Revenue is generated for you when someone clicks on an AdSense
ad on your site. Google charges the advertiser for the click
thru and shares this revenue with you.

The amount you earn from an ad is given by the following equation

Income PER AD=

Click thru price X
Fractional pay out X
Click thru rate X
Page traffic X
Appearance frequency

The CLICK THRU PRICE is the price the advertiser is bidding to
place an ad under the AdWords program and is determined by a
complex real time automatic auction process: Google advertisers
set a maximum price they are prepared to bid for keywords
and they usually pay less than this.

The FRACTIONAL PAYOUT RATE is the percentage of its revenues
that Google pays out to AdSense partners. THIS FIGURE IS NOT
DISCLOSED BY Google. However, anecdotal evidence suggest the
payout rate is good and competitive systems such as
payout around the 50% mark.

CLICK THRU RATE is the number of times the ad is clicked on
divided by the number of times it is displayed ("impressions").

PAGE TRAFFIC is the number of times people visit your web page.

APPEARANCE FREQUENCY is the number of times a particular ad
appears on your page (remember that ads are rotated by Google
automatically and successful ads are shown more often.)

To repeat: this is income PER advertisement, so to calculate
your total AdSense income you need to evaluate this equation
for each ad on all your web pages and add up the results.

By the way, Google saves you the bother and tells you the

But already the complexity of the process is apparent and of
these factors, some are completely out of your control:
Fractional payout rate and Appearance frequency being two.

So let's look at those three factors that are at least
partially within your control.
Click thru price

The Click thru price, whilst fundamentally determined by the
advertiser, CAN be influenced by the content of your website:
if you can modify your site so that it includes more content
related to higher value keywords, you are more likely to get
higher value click thru prices.

For example, if you run a site about Bird Watching you may
get ads posted about Bird Watching books. But why not
extend the site to include content about the best binoculars
for bird watchers?

Dedicate a page to this topic and you could find higher
value ads running on that page because binoculars sell for
more than books and businesses advertising binoculars may be
willing to pay more for keywords relating to them.

You could also run some pages about travel and hotels in
exotic locations where rich bird watchers like to take their

It's all content relevant to your site but it is likely to
increase your AdSense revenues too.
Estimating click thru values
to find out how much keywords are being bid for on Overture,
a competitor to AdWords. This will give you an INDICATION
of the prices people are bidding on Google which in turn will
give you some idea about the click thru value of AdSense
ads relating to those keywords.

The rule is: aim high.

Alternatively if you already have an AdWords account you
can use the Keyword tool to find out the exact price of
any keyword - but remember AdSense is about content, not
keywords so, again, this is only going to be an indicator.
Click thru rate

Can you influence this?


You can. Here's how.

You use your page to sell the products and services that
are likely to be shown in the ads. To follow our binocular
example, if you post content about the benefits of excellent
(and expensive) binoculars and how they enhance the bird
watching experience, readers are going to be more
interested in buying binoculars than if you simply post
content about the different types of binoculars available
and they will consequently be more likely to click an ad.

You have to write sales copy that focuses on the generic
benefits of the products and services likely to be advertised
on your pages.
Page Traffic
This is what web marketers fight hardest over.

No traffic means no clicks means no income. So you have to
maximise the number of people visiting your site.

There are a raft of techniques available and that's
tomorrows topic.

Introducing: Adwords & AdSense

Before I start posting tips, hints, and all that great stuff you guys
are anticipating for, I will be defining Adwords and Adsense for
those who do not know what they are and how they work.

So let's begin!


AdWords are small text-only ads that sometimes appear on the
right hand side of Google's search results page when you do
a search.

They are extraordinarily powerful - MUCH more so than you'd
think at first sight - for 5 reasons.

1. They are 100% targeted: the advertiser chooses which
keywords have to be entered before their ad is shown.

This means that you can make your ad appear ONLY in front
of people ACTIVELY LOOKING for information about a topic.

You sell binoculars? Then you can set up your AdWords ads
so that they show up ONLY when someone enters "Binoculars"
into Google's search box.

You can also restrict your ad coverage to specific countries.

2. You only pay for click thrus. If no one clicks on your ad
you don't pay anything but...

3. Google penalises ads that don't work well because it wants
only ads that are RELEVANT to the viewer to be seen. Poorly
performing ads get disabled automatically. This protects
Google's brand from being sullied by irrelevant ads.

4. Google lets advertisers rotate different ads for the same
keywords and AUTOMATICALLY shows the most effective ad more
often. Thus there is an in-built survival of the fittest
process going on where fitness is judged by real consumers
voting in real time.

If they click, your ad stays. If they don't, it doesn't.

Evolution can be extremely brutal - and fast!

5. Google gives advertisers incredibly detailed near real-time
response data so you can monitor and adjust your ad without
wasting much money.

Here are some more information about Google Adwords:

You create your ads
You create ads and choose keywords, which are words or phrases
related to your business.
Need keyword ideas? Click here!

Your ads appear on Google.
When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad
may appear next to the search results. Now you're advertising to an
audience that's already interested in you.

You attract customers
People can simply click your ad to make a purchase or learn more about you.
You don't even need a webpage to get started - Google will help you create
one for free. It's that easy!

Concerned about costs? Don't worry—AdWords puts you in complete control
of your spending. Read below for more information.

Set your budget
There's no minimum spending requirement--the amount you pay for AdWords
is up to you. You can, for instance, set a daily budget of five dollars and a
maximum cost of ten cents for each click on your ad.

Avoid guesswork
Google Adsense provide keyword traffic and cost estimates so you can make
informed decisions about choosing keywords and maximizing your budget.
You can estimate keywords costs by clicking here!

Pay only for results
You're charged only if someone clicks your ad, not when your ad is displayed.

Payment options vary by country and currency. Learn more.

Signing up for Adwords

Click the below link to go to the Adwords homepage:
Google Adwords


So where does AdSense come in this?

Well, Google has taken their excellent AdWords program and
extended it to non-Google web sites and branded it AdSense.

Key distinction

However, AdSense differs from AdWords. Instead
of looking at the search terms entered into its search box
to determine what ads to show, Google looks at what keywords
would be relevant to the web site the ads are to go on.


If you have a site rich in content about binoculars, AdSense
technology determines that it would be an appropriate site to
post AdWord ads about binoculars on. (Google uses its existing
page ranking technology to assess a site's content.)

Why is Google Adsense so popular?

Because you get paid! Read below for more information.

How do I get paid?
You get paid whenever someone on your site clicks on
one of the AdSense ads. Advertisers can also bid to appear on
your site on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis. Both
CPC and CPM bids compete in Google's AdWords program to ensure
that you optimize your ad revenue.

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
We have an EFT payment system available in a number of countries,
which will help get your AdSense earnings delivered directly to your bank
account every month without any additional effort.

How much do I get paid?
How much you earn depends on a number of factors including how much an
advertiser bids on your site -- you'll receive a portion of what the advertiser pays.
The best way to find out how much you'll earn is to sign up and start showing ads
on your web pages. This blog will provide you with what key terms pay the most so
stay tuned!

Signing up for Adsense

Sign up to Adsense by clicking on the bottom link:
Google Adsense

Final Comments

Well I think I gave a good amount of description to what Adwords
and Adsense are. Hopefully this was useful for the noobies out there.
Please feel free to post questions in any of the articles I post here on the
blog. I will be answering any money-making related questions so don't be
afraid to post a comment on any of my articles with a question. When will I
be answering questions? I will do it once a week. =]

Well I'm done for today. New article coming soon!


Welcome to the Money Making Guide, brought to you by

Hey everyone!

This blog will be dedicated to those who would like to learn more about making money online. This blog will contain interesting and useful articles that I've come across and I will share some useful tips for those who want to increase their income.

There will be a lot of great articles posted here that will aid you with Adsense, Adwords, how to get more traffic to your site, good hosting deals, and much more!

In a way, this is going to be my personal journal on money-making because I see a whole lot of great money making information so I'll be adding that into this blog so I can look back at it for remembrance. I was actually thinking about making this blog private to keep my secrets to myself but I really like helping people so I decided to not be selfish about it (:P) and share the secrets that many of those really rich folk hide to themselves.

No more purchasing ebooks! No more downloading useless programs that guarantee lots of money! I am here to share with you the GOOD VALID secrets that work and I am willing to take the time to do it too! I will be updating my blog weekly (or even daily) so stay tuned.

Welcome to the Money Making Guide!


(This blog wouldn't be possible without the help of