Monday, January 7, 2008

If your Adsense is performing poorly, here are THREE tips

1. Decrease the number of Adsense blocks that you are displaying on a page.

I don't know how others have experienced this, but my
income seemed to be less if I had more than one block of Adsense
ads displayed at once – and your CTR is definitely less if you have
more than one ad impression at a time.

My suggestion would be to have one Adsense block in your content,
and an Adlinks block somewhere at the top of your page. Adlinks is
great because if someone clicks on a link in it, they are taken to a
page with many more choices on it, which increases your chances of
them clicking through.

2. Change your link colour to blue.

While I cannot disclose my CTR I can tell you that this one little change
more than doubled my CTR. I know that there are others out there who
advocate that your link colour should be the same as the other links on your
site, but try it out for yourself for a day or two. I think you will be highly

3. Set the URL colour to the same colour as the ad's text.
This makes the URL ''melt" in and makes the link colour stand out more,
definitely making it more "clickable". The above three changes definitely
resulted in doubling my own Adsense income. Experiment with it and see
how it works for you.


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